Sunday, January 14, 2007

Ajit: Today's your Day!

My best friend launched his music site today (read Jan 10th, coz posting this got delayed by a bit). Launching a site containing his own musical compositions was his dream and he realized his dream today! is where his compositions are housed.
I sometimes wonder if this guy is for real – in these days of extreme competition, lack of originality, plagiarism among musicians, here is this guy who has made his music freely available to anyone who has an ear for it! And what more, his music can be freely distributed so that anyone who appreciates good music has an earful of the magic of the ‘seven surs’!
In today's world where 'I am so busy! I have no time for my hobbies!' seems to be the mantra and the in thing to say, here's a man who has achieved a perfect balance between a gruelling work schedule and pursuing his passion!
You rock my friend! You are a star and today’s your day!

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