Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The ‘Rich’ own the World?

Picturize this - a well dressed, ‘educated’, well-off individual, sitting in the pantry, enjoying his tea and his conversation on the phone.
A group of bell boys sit in the same pantry, sipping their tea before an arduous night shift, talking amongst themselves.
The well dressed man demands silence from them, and gets it, laced with an apology.
Would he have done the same thing if a group of people he knew, from the well-off section of the society, created a pandemonium?
Or is it just that being economically stronger gives someone the right to bully the economically weaker one, because the former thinks (s)he owns the world?


Ajit Padmanabh (World Void Web) said...

This actually happened? NOT DONE! That guy should be brought to justice!

zimbbbblyvek said...

It is not about "owning the world"... the economic stronger would always enforce themselves on the weaker.

I would call this "survival of the fittest". It is the law of nature that we abide by it... notions of equality only exists in books written by dreamers!

Ashish said...

Picturize this - a well dressed, educated, well-off individual, sitting in the pantry, 'having 'his tea and 'discussing' on the phone.
A group of bell boys sit in the same pantry, 'enjoying'their tea before 'work', 'chattering loudly' amongst themselves.
The man 'asks for' silence from them, and gets it, laced with an apology.
- - - The situation doesn't seem all that biased towards the rich now, eh? But interesting question nevertheless.

Nova said...

The economically well-off ones take their status of being "better" as given...

And the entire world believes it!