Monday, March 19, 2007

Those Little Pleasures in Life!

I managed to get off from work early today – around 6.30 pm. As I stepped outside the office, I was mesmerized by the sunset. Not because it was more beautiful than sunsets usually are but because it was the first sunset I was watching on a working day, after 1.5 long years!
I was fascinated to watch the birds returning to their nests, the office-goers hurrying down the pavement to get back home soon and spend time with their loved ones, the elderly people taking a leisurely evening stroll on a park pathway, before darkness descended upon the city, young couple sharing a ear of corn or an ice cream, blissfully lost in each other's words. I watched little children swinging on the swings, falling with a thump from the slide, laughing and picking themselves up, their young excited voices being carried over by the wind, voices that seemed to tell me that life is not only spent in cubicles.
As I was heading back home I thought to myself – are most of today’s working professionals missing out on the simple pleasures of life or do they strike that fine balance somehow?
I wonder!


ankurindia said...

nice scene

Anonymous said...

great blog..
i could see it as if some movie is going on


Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.Yours is a nice blog.