Monday, February 05, 2007

Where buildings are made of chocolate and the mountains of ice cream!

My roommate and I watched Parzania today. A gripping tale that had me walking out of the cinema hall in tears. As I walked out of PVR, I saw that almost every girl who watched the movie had moist eyes.
It seemed to me that the cast was carefully chosen, to enact beautifully, the story of the Modi family during the post-Godhra riots in Ahmedabad.
I could put myself in Cyrus and Shernaz’s shoes – I could feel their pain on losing their son, Parzan to a fanatical mob.
But the supposed keeper of peace in Gujarat, the Bajrang Dal, has banned this movie in Gujarat, the place where the chances of finding Azhar (called Parzan in the movie) are the greatest. And why? It was supposedly “anti-Gujarat” and would create communal disturbance! Is the story of a 10 year old boy missing since the time of the riots, ‘anti-Gujarat’? Are they referring to communal disturbance that could be promoted by themselves?
Thank you the keepers of the law, for promoting piracy – so what if you ban the movies in Gujarat theatres. Do you know that people have been buying the pirated version of Parzania and watching it?
There is something called ‘Freedom of Expression’ according to our fundamental rights, Dear members of the Dal - The Director of the movie can therefore express what he feels about an issue and the people of the country have the freedom to watch the movie if it interests them. There is also a body called the Censor board that decides whether a movie is appropriate for being screened in the country or not. Why do we need the Censor board or even the I & B Ministry any longer, when we have the Dal filled with people capable enough to decide what should be watched and what should not?

1 comment:

snappythoughts said...

I did nt know you are such a big movie buff !