Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Why is it that:

  • we litter freely on our streets, our houses, our offices etc. but take extra care to ensure that pick up every piece of our litter in a foreign country?
  • we stand patiently in long queues, in a Wal-Mart or a Target, but push our way through to the billing counter that looks most empty, disregarding the people who have been waiting in a queue or even laughing at them for not having had the gall to push through, at Food World or Big Bazaar?
  • we apologise profusely every time we brush across someone accidentally in New York or Paris but glare at the other individual and part with a few choicest words, even if we are at fault, in Bangalore or Bombay?
  • we smile pleasantly at absolute strangers and wish them a 'Good Morning' , 'Good Night' in Chicago or LA but think twice before smiling at an acquaintance in India?
  • we hold doors open for strangers walking behind us or even in front of us abroad but push doors and walk on, not bothering about holding it open for a friend walking right behind us?
  • we smile and make polite conversation with strangers in the lift overseas but forget to smile at a colleague or an acquaintance on entering a lift, promptly turn our backs at the people in the lift and stared focussedly at the lift panel, till our destinations in India?

Are we being hypocrites elsewhere and revealing our true selves in our country or do we take our country and fellow countrymen for granted and therefore display our worst behaviour here, reserving the best for our trips abroad?


Ajit Padmanabh (World Void Web) said...

Very well written. Perfect words!

Oneirodynic said...

Good question.It usually hits you just when you finish the teen-age.If late,it hits you just after finishing movies like RDB.Or even worse,you listen to random renditions of janaganamana or hear Lucky Ali singing "Anjani Rahon Pe" and sit puzzled as to why you never gave importance to inside stuff!

I think we are talking about different cultures here.Opening up the door for someone else coming behind you is a purely "western" culture.There is no need for us to follow that.Saying sorry to strangers IS a global culture and we are in a sorry state if we are not following that.;)

Anonymous said...

home is where u can act free